Saturday, December 22, 2007

After Careful Analysis

If you're not a fan of Elvis Costello you won't appreciate this. As much.

It turns out that my four-year-old son, the photographer, is a huge Elvis Costello fan. I know: odd, but I hate to judge or curtail his interests so I have one of his live shows Tivo'd and we get to watch it a lot. We seldom ever finish it, four-year-old attention spans being what they are.

So we're watching the show and I notice that during one song in particular my son is staring intently at the screen. He sits up straight, squints at the TV, and turns the volume up with the remote. (Oh, yes: he is all about being in control of the remote. American male.) He turns the volume up again, then again. I can tell he's striving to understand something, and I adore this aspect of him at this point in his childhood. I start to really wonder what's going on.

Finally he sits back, looks up at me, and says "Dad? He really doesn't want to go to Chelsea."

Friday, December 21, 2007


My four-year-old likes taking pictures. He has good instincts—a little bit spooky in fact: he took my profile photo and the one in the header. Here's one of his landscapes.